Thursday 25 December 2014

Sergeant Sally Donovan

Working in tandem with Anderson, her occasional lover, Donovan is one of the police officers who distrust Sherlock, aka "the freak".
She thinks that he understands so well criminals because he is a psychopath himself, always on the verge of committing a crime, in order to become the star of the show. Donovan will always keep this doubt about Sherlock, and Moriarty will use it.

Gifted with a strong character, Donovan never hides what she thinks about Lestrade's cooperation with the consulting detective. She can't understand what John Watson, such a normal and balanced guy -but is he really? can do with the freak. She advises him to run away, and more than once :
Opposites attracts, I suppose. You should have a hobby. Try fishing !

Donovan may be the most under-exploited character in the show!
While Anderson gets a deserved thicker role in "the empty hearse" (season 3, ep. 1), Donovan must do with recurrent apparitions. And what does the character add to the story? I would like to see her facing directly a villain, or one of the Holmes brother, why not? 
Just like Anderson, she made a fundamental mistake about Sherlock. But it's true that people hide their play very well, sometimes. I suggest a story in which she would be right about a false good guy...

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