Sunday 16 November 2014

Casting 3.1 - The empty hearse

Mary Morstan : Amanda Abbington - IMDB page

John's fiancée. Despite the special mood of the reunion between both friends, she likes Sherlock straightaway. She doesn't fear his look upon her. Neutral when John refuses, at first, to forgive, she will then support their reconciliation.

Laura : Sharon Rooney - IMDB page

She is one of the member of "the empty hearse", the group founded by Anderson -the only girl, apparently, and not convinced about wearing a hat. They exchange their theories about how Sherlock may have survived to his fall -as real fan did, on forum, and their theories have been used in the episode. She doesn't hesitate to imagine a tender complicity between Sherlock and ... Moriarty. 

Howard Shilcott : David Fynn - IMDB page

Laura's boyfriend. His hobby: the trains. He works for the subway, he looks at security videos. That's the reason why he finds a mystery: in an empty train, a lonely passenger disappeared between two stations. This clue will lead Sherlock on the track of a terrorist cell. 

Tom : Ed Birch - IMDB page

Molly's fiancé. He looks like Sherlock, wears the same coat... Molly seems to be the only one to see the link. Another confirmation, if needed, that she feels an hopeless love for the genius.

And as a guest star : Derren Brown, as himself - official site

A famous illusionist, specialist of psychological manipulation, Derren Brown plays a man who hypnotizes John while Sherlock "falls" (in one of the theories). When John wakes up, all has been arranged to make him believe that his friend is dead.

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