Sunday 9 November 2014

2.3 Falls of the Reichenbach

John has resumed his appointments with his therapist. A new trauma occurred : Sherlock died.

[A few months before] Sherlock is now famous. John gets worried by all the attention on him. "Keep a low profile, find a little case this week, and stay out of the news".
But Moriarty disagrees! He creates a media stunt by committing a burglary in the Tower of London, no less. Arrested by the police, as he wished to be, he calls for his favourite opponent.
And this time, he will lead the game all along...

My favourite moments

Although the whole episode is not one of my favourite, there are numerous excellent moments :
  • The burglaries, in music; and Queen Jim wearing the jewels of the crown;
  • Sherlock and Moriarty so close in their respective cells;
  • John at the Diogene's club, with the old mute blockheads;
  • John punching the Chief superintendent just because he said that Sherlock was a "weirdo";
  • The run away, Sherlock and John linked by handcuffs "Now people will definitely talk";
  • A touching scene between Sherlock and Molly "You do count; you've always counted";
  • John speaking to Sherlock's grave : "Please, don't be dead. Could you do this, just for me?".

What do we learn ?

  • Sherlock never liked riddles. Or so he says to Moriarty. Funny, for an always boring mind.
  • Molly deciphers and understands Sherlock much better than many other people, including John, maybe.
  • Scotland Yard is still using a fax! In 2012 ?
I know, nobody asks me, but I would give an award to Andrew Scott, really brilliant! I couldn't help but wish that Moriarty returns (Yes I missed him in season 3). 
I don't know if British audience found it as funny as I did, but I smiled at "fair-play" between Sherlock and Moriarty, on the roof, when each other is threatening to kill the other one; they both stay courteous: "Would you give me one moment of privacy, please" "Of course".

As a whole, this symbolic episode is not one I like especially. Despite funny moments, it's much too serious (well, Sherlock is falling and then dying, of course, it's not the Muppet show).
But... Here we find the only episode in which Donovan gets close to the role she would deserve, and Molly begins to get a nice one -improved in season 3.1.
And there is one of my favourite scene (the other one opposing John to Irene): John's cold wrath and despair when he believes that Mycroft betrayed his brother.

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